Wednesday, December 28, 2016

My Favourite Memory of Carrie Fisher

This is a short but special memory I have of Carrie Fisher.

As a kid growing up watching Cartoon Network a LOT, I had watched many Star Wars references in different CN shows. I never got them back then. So I was always fascinated with the idea of Star Wars.

On my 22nd Birthday( 1st February, 2014 ), I spent the whole day watching a Star Wars marathon( All 6 of em ) in Nagpur. One of my best birthdays EVER!!

Being the nerd I am, I went online and found out everything about these characters- Luke(Mark Hamill - The Joker), Han (Harrison Ford - Indiana Jones) and Leia(Carrie Fisher - ...)I remember, one day I was returning from the office with a friend while obsessing over them, when I found, on Carrie's Wikipedia page, that she guest starred in a show that is so close to my heart that I LITERALLY remember every single dialogue from it - 30 ROCK!!

I was so excited to know which season, episode she starred in. And I took a challenge upon myself to find out which episode it was and which character she portrayed. And this is the scene I recalled and I knew at once she was:

This is how much impact Princess Leia had on me. I could figure out who she was out of 149 episodes of 30 Rock. That too after she had aged 30 years.

It's going to be difficult pretending that Princess Leia is still with us( In a Galaxy far far away ). I still cannot believe it. She will always be my favourite drunk comedy writer in Rosemary Howard and the most beautiful and badass princess in Leia Organa Solo.

I am not going to write about how I am going to miss her or how iconic her portrayals have been. This post is just to share a special memory.

I am saying this only because I should say it and NOT because I believe our Princess Carrie Fisher is gone - R.I.P Carrie. May your soul rest in peace.

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