Mark the date - 5th April, 2015; My dream came true. Literally, my dream came true.
I attended my 1st COMIC CON !!!
Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to go to a Comic Con and watch amazing Cosplays with my very own eyes. Yesterday, I did and now, I can't stop thinking about it.
It's only the 5th year Comic Con has been organized in India. And, I was told not to keep my hopes up high. But I had huge expectations. And Comic Con Bangalore did not disappoint.
We started our journey to the best day ever around 10:15AM. Got a FREE Ola cab ride. The guys at Comic Con really took care of everything. By the way, the Comic Con ride icon on the Ola cabs app comes up as a Bat Mobile. Just saying. I thought it was clever. So, this is how one of the best days of my life started.
When I was entering this huge Convention, the feeling was unreal. The banner over my head said "BANGALORE COMIC CON"!!! Couldn't believe it. So, I took a pic to remember the feeling. I do this. I take a pic to remember the feeling that I'm going through.
As I entered, there was loud music, almost everyone was wearing a superhero t-shirt, lots of comic books, comic books, anime & movie merchendise and whatnot. It was a geek's fantasy come true.
Then me and my friends decided to roam about and see what all Comic Con has to offer. I found a t-shirt with a "Batman : The Dark Knight Returns" comic book art on it. I got so excited. If that t-shirt was on on display anywhere but Comic Con, no one would but it. But at Comic Con, everyone knew it's value.
Moments later, my friend taps me on the shoulder and points to a shirtless guy wearing a blonde wig, with a metal right hand. OMG !! It was the lead character from Fullmetal Alchemist. I couldn't believe it. I had watched the complete series on Animax. How many people knew who this guy was cosplaying?? The answer is A LOT. It made me even happier. So, I run up to him to ask him for a pic. And, he politely agrees. I took a lot of pics with him. And just before leaving the convention, as I couldn't control my geek self, I went up to him and said that I really really liked his Cosplay, that I'm a huge fan of the show and wished him luck for the Cosplay contest.

After an hour or two, I saw him again. And this time I wanted to take a pic with him with both our hands down on the ground. When I asked him to do that pose, maybe he didn't hear me the first time. So, I was about to explain it to him, just like I would explain any of you who doesn't know the show. But just as I said, "Hands on the ground" clearly, he said, "I know. I know what you mean."
He KNEW what I wanted him to do. He KNEW his character. He wan't paid to get dressed as a character and just show up. Just like every other Cosplayer there, he came as a Cosplayer because he was a FAN and he wanted to do it. It's their way of showing their love for the comics, anime and whatnot.
After that I took pics with SO MANY Cosplayers. Joker, V for Vendetta, Spoc, Obi Wan Kenobi, a lot of Naruto & Bleach characters, Mario & Luigi and the list goes on.....
Best of all I saw a couple cosplaying Inu Yasha and Kikyo. He even had his sword - Tetsusaiga / Tessaiga. I was such a big fan of that show. I even remembered the sword's name. As a kid, I used to play with a stick pretending it to be Tetsusaiga. One thought in my head was, "Why Kikyo and NOT Kagome?" But somehow "Inu Yasha and Kikyo" felt right. They were meant to be together.
I was having the time of my life. But something hurt me yesterday. A Vulcan hurt me. There was this sweet girl cosplaying Spoc. When I saw her, I got all excited and ran up to her for a pic. After the pic she said something that really hurt me in a good way. She said, "How come you're not cosplaying?"
I take a vow right now that I will Cosplay next year.
Also, I felt so happy when Obi Wan said, "May the Force be with you."
And how can I possibly forget the Comic Book and Graphic Novel collections! They had everything. "The Killing Joke", "The Dark Knight Returns", "Knight Fall", "The New 52". All the issues of each title. So many iconic story lines. Wish I could buy all of them. I was in LOVE with that place. Didn't want to leave. Ever.
For the 2nd time in my life ( 1st time being, when I recently got to know a friend, Shruthi. Sorry for using your name. I don't usually do this. ), I felt better about myself. I was not an outcast there. I am a geek and I embrace it. And this place was full of them. I was among my own people. I was at home.
Everyone was so nice there. Even in such humid and crowded condition, everyone was having fun and smiling. I did not find ONE asshole. People were so nice. Maybe it was the type of gathering where everyone is nice. I don't know. Loved the convention and the people.
Oh yes, we danced on the stage to Xbox's Just Dance 3. And, yes you're correct, I did make a fool out of myself. Again. But this was one place, noone cared. Neither did I.
I'll never forget my 1st Comic Con. Never Ever.
I'll be sharing all my pics on Facebook. Now, I usually don't do this but this time it's different. It's COMIC CON !!!